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热度 3已有 1152 次阅读2012-4-6 06:27

They say that we can live without love but once we love and then lose that love-we cant live. So i guess once you get a taste,you addicted like heroine. No matter what you do to become clean again,the temptation will always be there.

But why love? Love is a temporary blindness lasting for months or maybe years but never a lifetime. We can be in love so many times but we get over it and fall in love again-is that love? Because love is meant to last pass death yet it lasts only a little while for us. So it hasnt been proven that u could fall in love only once.

I dont understand guys tho. They say they need you,that theyl always be there for you but in the next week they not talking to you and you needing them. So dont say what you dont mean cos we remember every word. And always asking us if thats what we want-dont do that! Cos its not what we want or what you want,its what we both want.

When we answer with one word or are unresponsive dont say i know somethings wrong-say why you love us and why life is dull without us.

All we want is for you to constantly love us and to prove that love with a token to show you serious. Why ever think otherwise? And we wanna be part of ur life,if you not gonna share ur world with us,why do you even wana love us?

And to tell you that we like you and are interested...we either:
Fight with you for stupid reasons constantly
laugh at everything you say while playing with our hair or fiddling with something
We get jealous easily when you talk to other girls and flirt with them
We would do anything for you and always looking for reasons to be with you
We get very conscious when you look at us and smile when u turn away after you spoken to us

Ok i give up,gonna get unbored now!






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