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小寞 2013-3-20 22:57
susan: 谢谢小寞,让我们再见似水流年!
179492195 QQ群,你可以加入进来和我们似水流年的听友交流
小寞 2013-3-20 22:54
susan: 谢谢小寞,让我们再见似水流年!
e路飞扬 2013-3-20 00:43
susan: 谢谢飞扬,让我们再见似水流年!!
susan 2012-5-2 11:51
good! i see it ! it is so good to live and grow up with families!
my computer? hehe, i haven't bought it . maybe i will get one when i earn enough money!
it 's so hot these days . you know, it 's summer here!
小公主 2012-4-22 18:08
susan: How are you these days ? what 's the weather? enjoy your life?
i have not been online for a long time for i have no computer now!
i didin't know you b ...
Life is good, I‘m great and you? What have you been busy with these days? And where is your computer?

Hmmm....Its autumn here now, weather is cool but is very cold in the morning and in the night. Temperature has a big difference!

Well, I'm not alone here,my family is here with me too. My parents works here, and my brother also studying here, he is studying grade 11(國內的高二) in high school. But i'm haven‘t started working, I'm still studying. Currently I'm studying Marketing Management and Accounting at University of Pretoria.
小公主 2012-4-15 19:51
Hey Susan, thanks for the add, nice to know you!

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